OSM Wiki editing workshop
07-21, 10:00–11:30 (Poland), Room CA4

Do you know about a mistake on the OSM wiki?

Have you wanted to fix it but you are unsure how?

Do you want to document some already used tag?

Do you want to add better illustration to some wiki page?

Is translation of one of wiki pages broken or missing and you want to add it but not sure how to do this?

Are you confused by OSM Wiki page?

This will be a fitting workshop for you! I will help you to fix the problem and edit OSM Wiki.

Ideally, in future you will be own to make such fix on your own.

Please, create an OSM Wiki account at https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/ if you do not have one.

It is separate from OSM account.

Note: if you want to change some tagging schema or how people map things this is not really fitting. Intention here is to help with fixing cases where description how tags are used is wrong or missing.

This workshop is expected to work well with relatively small group of people, as it will require 1:1 interactions.

Active OpenStreetMap mapper and contributor to software powering OpenStreetMap. Contributed some minor improvements to multiple editors and significant improvements to StreetComplete. Active in various places, including OpenStreetMap Foundation board.

Mapper active since 2013, especially interested in mapping bicycle infrastructure, hiking trails, parks. Mapping using Vespucci, StreetComplete, JOSM, level0, special editing tools and automated edits.

Involved in improving documentation about existing tagging schemas by contributing to OpenStreetMap Wiki. Active also in inventing new tagging schema where existing ones were insufficient.

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