Supporting Mobility Transitions: OpenStreetMap's Contribution to Public Administration Data Needs
07-21, 11:00–11:20 (Poland), Plenary Auditorium

Public administrations are having difficulties implementing the necessary mobility transition at the required pace. One reason is the lack of good and current data. The 'Radverkehrsatlas' and 'Parkraumatlas' projects showcase that OSM is in a unique position to help.

The transition of transportation and mobility to a more ecological mode is a core task of our generation. Public administrations are at the forefront of executing this change, but they are being held back. Planning, especially strategic planning, requires data on the current infrastructure, which they lack. Moreover, once the change starts to happen, keeping this data up to date remains an unsolved problem. OpenStreetMap is in a unique position to help. We have a comprehensive dataset with various topics relevant to public planning. More importantly, we have well-defined processes for keeping this data current.

In this talk, we will look at two projects. The "Radverkehrsatlas" focuses on bicycle data used to create bicycle network plans, which are the first step to building better infrastructure. The "Parkraumatlas" focuses on street-side parking and provides crucial data for discussions about spatial justice in public spaces. We will examine the extensive processing of OSM data necessary to make it easy to understand and use for public administration use cases. Additionally, we will discuss how we strengthen cooperation with public administrations to keep the data updated and relevant.

See also:

Tobias is particularly interested in OpenStreetMap's potential to shape the mobility transition. In mid-2019, he co-founded the Mobility Transition Meetup to explore this potential with a like-minded community. Since late 2021, Tobias has been professionally involved with OSM at FixMyCity GmbH, where OSM data is used for bicycle traffic planning. Tobias is a product manager and developer living in Berlin, Germany. You can find him on OSM, GitHub, and Mastodon as @tordans.