07-20, 11:30–13:00 (Poland), Outside events
Mobile mapping tools are a great way to build up a map on the ground and many of them can be used with little technical knowledge. This workshop will give you a chance to practice your skills and learn how to use them more effectively.. You will need to bring a smartphone or a tablet.
Mobile mapping tools are a great way to build up a map on the ground and many of them can be used with little technical knowledge. This workshop will give you a chance to practice your skills and learn how to use them more effectively.. You will need to bring a smartphone or a tablet.
Andrew Hain is based in London, UK, and has been editing OSM for fifteen years with a variety of mapping interests especially including local area mapping on foot. Andrew is a member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation’s Engineering Working Group, and is keen to build up OSM as the best possible map of the whole world.