Minutely vector tiles for the community
07-19, 16:00–16:20 (Poland), Plenary Auditorium

The Foundation has funded development work on vector tiles to meet OpenStreetMap.org's unique requirements. This talk goes over what OSM needs, what has been developed in response, and what it means for the community.

The Foundation has funded development work on vector tiles to meet OpenStreetMap.org's unique requirements. This talk goes over what OSM needs, what has been developed in response, and what it means for the community.

Paul Norman is a well-known figure in cartography and open data, whose journey with OpenStreetMap began in 2010 with a chance encounter on the xkcd forums. His role in the community took off with his work on OpenStreetMap Carto in 2013. His volunteer involvement with the OSM Foundation, including contributions to several working groups and a tenure on the OSMF board, highlights his commitment to the project. Professionally, he has held various influential positions at MapQuest, CartoDB, Wikimedia Foundation, and Amazon. Billions have seen the products of his work.